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Buffalo Scamorza - 200gr

Scamorza is a typical southern Italian cheese. It is spherical in shape and has a small choke, to which a loop of rope is applied and from which a sort of head protrudes.

Like mozzarella, scamorza is a spun paste cheese and the production process is similar. What sets it apart from its sister mozzarella is the short seasoning (with a minimum of 72 hours). This procedure gives the scamorza more consistency than the mozzarella.

The buffalo scamorza has a delicate and sweet taste. It goes very well with cold cuts and jams.

About this product:

The product will be put under vacuum to guarantee its freshness over time.

Buffalo mozzarella can also be kept for a month in the fridge,

Each quantity purchased is equivalent to 100 grams of product. Weight fluctuations will always be in the customer’s favor.


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- fino a 500 mt la spedizione è gratuita;
- da 501 mt. a 7 km. la spedizione ha un costo di €5,00;
- da 7,01 Km a 10 Km la spedizione ha un costo di €6,99.

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Mozzarella fresca di bufala a Bruxelles

Se avete domande o dubbi non esitate a contattarci

Disponibile dalle ore 10:00 alle 19:00

Indirizzo: Rue d’Arlon 37A, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgio
