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Red cherry tomatoes Fontanella 400gr

Small cherries carefully selected manage to give intense flavors to all the preparations in which the exaltation of other ingredients is required. Red cherries are ideal for sauces and fish dishes, tasty with mushrooms or plain on pizza.

The main characteristics of the product:

  • they are pulpy, firm and compact
  • they are juicy, as the sauce in which they are immersed is dense and tasty
  • they are of an intense red color, because they are picked at the right moment of ripeness

About this product:

Conservation method: after opening it is recommended to keep the product in the refrigerator and to consume it within 3-4 days as it does not contain preservatives.

Gluten free.


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- fino a 500 mt la spedizione è gratuita;
- da 501 mt. a 7 km. la spedizione ha un costo di €5,00;
- da 7,01 Km a 10 Km la spedizione ha un costo di €6,99.

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Mozzarella fresca di bufala a Bruxelles

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Disponibile dalle ore 10:00 alle 19:00

Indirizzo: Rue d’Arlon 37A, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgio
