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Smoked buffalo tomino cheese 200gr

The buffalo tomino is a soft and sweet cheese. It has a circular shape, in Camembert style, of which it is an excellent substitute.

The smoked one has a thin amber colored rind and is edible. The interior is white, firm and soft. Due to the smoking process, the internal cream is more consistent, while maintaining the sweetness of the buffalo cheese.

About this product:

The product will be put under vacuum to guarantee freshness over time.
Each quantity purchased is equivalent to 200 grams of product. Weight fluctuations will always be in the customer’s favor.

Utilisez 420 points pour acheter ce produit ! Restrictions apply


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Mozzarella fresca di bufala a Bruxelles

Se avete domande o dubbi non esitate a contattarci

Disponibile dalle ore 10:00 alle 19:00

Indirizzo: Rue d’Arlon 37A, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgio
